Sunday, January 3, 2010

Make it a Remarkable 2010!!!

Sunday January 2, 2010

The new year has officially begun and with that comes new goals, hopes, & aspirations! I am a firm believer in setting goals for the new year and believe that by creating these goals I'm holding myself accountable to be a better person! There is a quote by Abraham Lincoln that says, " whatever you are be a good one." I challenge you to be a good one this year: personally, professionally, & civically. I hope that this is a remarkable year for you!

I look forward to another year of health, happiness, & prosperity & I hope you do the same! I'll leave you with a blessing for the new year!

"May you always have
enough happiness to keep you sweet;
enough trials to keep you strong;
enough success to keep you eager;
enough faith to give you courage;
and enough determination to
make each day a good day"


Photos-Quotable Cards

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